Khoirul Hidayat, S.T., M.T.


Nama dan Gelar
Jabatan Fungsional
Khoirul Hidayat, S.T., M.T.
Lektor Kepala


Jenjang Bidang Studi Perguruan Tinggi
Teknik Industri
Teknik Mesin
Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
Universitas Brawijaya

Minat Riset
Scopus ID
Google Scholar ID
Manajemen Agroindustri


  1. Product Development Seasoning Of Madura Satay
  2. Ergonomic Analysis on Redesigning Rice Harvesting Machines
  3. The hybrid whale optimization algorithm: A new metaheuristic algorithm for energy-efficient on flow shop with dependent sequence setup
  4. The Sustainable Economic Order Quantity Model: A Model Consider Transportation, Warehouse, Emission Carbon Costs, and Capacity Limits
  5. Design of Multifunction Paddy Harvester and Harrow Machine
  6. Halal Tourism, Cerfication Regulation, and Research Institute Insigh From IMT-GT Countries: A Review
  7. Instant Corn Rice Product Development
  8. Shelf-Life Estimation of Cabe Jamu (Piper retrofractum Vahl) Herbal Drink with the Addition of Benzoate Using Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT) Method
  9. Pengaruh Penambahan Natrium Benzoat dan Suhu Penyimpan Terhadap Mutu Minuman Herbal Cabe Jamu Cair
  10. Analisis Pengendalian Mutu Produk Air Minum dalam Kemasan Menggunakan Metode New Seven Tools (Studi Kasus di PT. DEA)
  11. Wingko Industry Sustainability Improvement Strategy Using The Business Model Canvas (BMC) Method
  12. Analisis Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Kerupuk Mentah Potato dan Kentang Keriting
  13. Development Strategy of WingkoBabat Industry with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Method
  14. Penentuan kriteria desain pengukus singkong menggnakan Fuzzy-QFD
  15. Pengaruh Pengetahuan Halal, Kesadaran Halal (Halal Awareness) Dan Label Halal Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Jamu Madura
  16. Analisis Faktor-Faktor Penjernihan Limbah Cair Unit Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Gula (STUDI KASUS PG XYZ)
  17. Pengaruh Undang Undang Jaminan Produk Halal Terhadap Pengembangan Produk Jamu Madura
  18. Product Development of Black Piper retrofractum Vahl (Black PrV Tea)
  19. Development and Process Characterization of Low Cost Heat Pump Dehumidifier for Crackers Dryer
  20. Cleaner Production Analysis in the Cassava Tape Industry
  21. Designing Instant Corn Rice Using the Product Design Phase of Quality Function Deployment
  22. Identification of Cattle Farms Chain Madura Ecosystem Based Blue Economy Concept
  23. Product development of corn rice using value engineering method
  24. Optimization of Production Instant Madura Corn Rice usingResponse Surface Methodology
  25. Life Cycle Assessment of Cow Tanned Leather Products
  26. Influence of halal label on impulsive buying towards indonesian society
  27. Strategi Pengembangan Industri Wingko Babat
  28. Solusi untuk Petani Sayur Saat Pandemi Covid-19
  29. Mengintip Cara UMKM Memanfaatkan Pandemi Covid-19 Jadi Peluang
  30. Kampus Merdeka dalam Hantaman Corona
  31. Peran Teknologi Industri Pertanian dalam Mengisi Kemerdekaan
  32. Pedasnya Cabai Digemari Petani Milenial
  33. Sertifikasi Halal, Peluang Emas Bagi UMKM
  34. Agroindutri Jamu Madura
  35. Pengembangan Produk
  36. PPIC (production planning & inventory control)


2.2.1. 828-Main Article Text-1703-1-10-20190417_HSSR
2.2.2. 2458-Main Article Text-6717-1-10-20200119_HSSR
2.3.1. Utama_2020_J._Phys.__Conf._Ser._1569_022094_ICST Khoirul
2.3.2. Utama_2020_J._Phys.__Conf._Ser._1569_022095_ICST Khoirul Dana
2.4.1. 412-416_SJSR Khoirul Adi Shafiq Arianti
2.4.2. 52-Article Text-273-1-10-20200930 Halal
2.5.1. 7503-30255-1-PB_UMM
2.5.2. 478-3488-1-PB_Khoirul Mila Nadya
2.6.1. 5385-17017-1-PB_Rekayasa Nadya Mila
2.6.2. 5453-18286-1-PB_Rekayasa Yuza Fuad Khoirul
2.6.3. 510-2427-1-PB_JIEM
2.7.1. 35418-101128-2-PB_Performa UNS
2.7.2. 1038-Article Text-2664-1-10-20201113_Mantik
2.7.3. 30237-76906-1-PB_JPTP Arif Khoirul
2.8.1. 3858-9331-1-PB_Unida Gontor
2.8.2. 4093-10879-1-PB
2.9.1. 6280-15071-2-PB_Pamator
2.10.1. Mu’tamar_2019_IOP_Conf._Ser.__Earth_Environ._Sci._230_012058
2.10.2. 125913296_ICLICK 2019 2.10.3. ICSS_UTM28
2.10.4. Hidayat_2020_IOP_Conf._Ser.__Earth_Environ._Sci._515_012068_ICSAB
2.10.5. 723
2.10.6. Hidayat_2021_IOP_Conf._Ser.__Earth_Environ._Sci._733_012039_ICGAB 2021
2.10.7. Hidayat_2021_IOP_Conf._Ser.__Earth_Environ._Sci._757_012075_ICSAB
2.10.8. Ulya_2021_IOP_Conf._Ser.__Earth_Environ._Sci._757_012066_ICSAB
2.11.1. psshers-2020-335_IC 2020 Halal
2.11.2. 3598-7544-1-SM_ICFBE Khoirul Fuad
2.12.1. rwulandari-37.-layout-snasteks-m-yaskun-halaman-357-366